Paolo Paterna's Personal Website

Who am I?

I'm a master degree student in Computer Science and Engineering at Politecnico di Milano University.

But also a programmer and gamer.


I live in Italy, Milan and I'm very passionate about computers since I was very young. I had my very first computer when I still can't read. I started programming when I was on middle school and since then i never stopped!

I also like A LOT to play games on my computer; I actually play World of Warcraft (guild Cavalieri del Drago as Xasik, Holy Priest), Heroes of the Storm plus many other titles both in single and multi player.

Github Repositories

Here are linked the biggest project i've worked on, note that i'm not the only contributor to them!
This project is a board game produced by Cranio Creations and it was developed in java as my last work before my bachelor degree. It has very basic graphics and lots of bugs and duplicated code. Maybe someday will be fixed.
This project is a sample site for a gym, it was developed in HTML5, CSS, PHP, JS, MySQL for an univeristy project. We had some limitations imposed by our professor so most pages are html ones that use external php scripts.
This is a simple bot for Telegram developed entirely in python that should help students find their lectures' classroom or find an empty classroom to study into. Try it PoliMilanoBot
This is the repository holding my master degree thesis